
Altona Dentist – Dentures


Dentures explained by Altona Bay Dental Clinic dentists in Altona: Dentures are artificial prosthesis replacing one or more missing teeth. They can be made from plastic or metal. Dentures can either be partial denture replacing some teeth or a full denture replacing all the teeth.

Dentures help in restoring function of the teeth, aesthetics and avoid other teeth from moving. Dentures help to bite and chew properly, therefore avoiding wearing of other teeth. Dentures help in improving the appearance of the person.

With technology available now, dentures can be made thin and comfortable to wear, they can also be made in such a way that they appear as natural as your teeth.

Dentures can be made from acrylic, valplast and chrome cobalt. Dentures can be partial, complete or dental implant supported dentures.

If you need any Dentures treatment done at Altona, please call our Altona Bay Dental Clinic in Altona to book your Dentures appointment and speak to our qualified dentures clinic dentist doing Dentures in Altona.


Dentures Altona | Dentures in Altona | Dentist in Altona